Monday Jan 26th- Wed Jan 28th 2026
The First Cartography and Sustainable Development Workshop in Aruba
You are formally invited to the first ICA Workshop on Cartography and Sustainable Development at the University of Aruba, in Oranjestad, Aruba.
Sustainable Development is a global challenge that requires local solutions. The formal definition is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland Report WCED 1987:43). Sustainable Development is inherently interdisciplinary since it tackles both ecology and social issues. Cartography and maps are pivotal for recognizing global trends and for identifying where localized interventions need to take place for sustainable development.
This first workshop hosted by the Commission of Cartography and Sustainable Development will be held on Aruba, a small island in the Caribbean. Small islands face magnified sustainability challenges due to their small size, limited resources, and geographic isolation. These characteristics come together in concepts related to “island metabolism” referring to the visibility and materiality of challenges like resource management associated with Sustainable Development. Cartography can help illuminate these challenges and more, to different people, enabling collaborative solutions and decision making. Yet, collecting and sharing spatial data are a significant challenge and necessary for map making.
The aim of this workshop is to bring cartographers, sustainability experts, and islanders into open dialog about Sustainable Development and cartography; to identify tangible solutions to Sustainable Development, through the use of maps; to identify solutions for making maps to illuminate Sustainable Development challenges and solutions. During this workshop, you are invited to share your expertise and insights about sustainable development and cartography. Moreover, you are offered the valuable opportunity to learn about and tour the beautiful island of Aruba beyond the façade of tourism marketing. Abstracts submitted in this call for presentations, once reviewed and accepted, will be open access and published by the International Cartography Association like those found here Publications International Cartographic Association.
Call for Presentations:
We invite you to submit an abstract for the First ICA Workshop on Cartography and Sustainable Development. The theme of the workshop is Mapping for Sustainable Development. This first workshop is topically intentional, expansive, and inclusive. Since the workshop is held on a small island, we are particularly interested in sustainability topics and cartography challenges that relate to mapping small islands, but any topic related to Sustainable Development is welcome. Extended abstracts will be shared as short oral presentations; lightening talks and posters are also welcome.
We seek three kinds of presentations:
Extended Abstract: Presentations based on extended abstract should be no longer than two pages using the ICA Template. Extended abstracts are allotted a 20-minute oral presentation, with 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussion (subject to change based on submission volume). Extended abstract presentations can cover completed research, existing sustainable policies and practices, and/or community-engaged scholarship, among other topics. Please Use Template found here.
Lightening Talk: Lightening talk presentations based on short abstract should be no longer than 250 words and still submitted using the ICA Template (link above). Extended abstracts are allotted a 10-minute oral presentation, with 5 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. Paper presentations can cover research in progress, prospective sustainable development policies and practices, and/or technical demonstrations, among other topics.
Poster Presentation: Poster presentations are welcome. Poster presentations displaying student work and research are encouraged. A poster hall will be set up to showcase posters.
Please first sign up for the workshop using this online form that requests the following information:
• Name:
• Affiliation:
• Email address:
• Presentation type: (extended abstracts and/or lightening talks)
When you have signed up via the google form above – you will recieve a confirmation email including a link to submit your abstract or lightening talk description.
Please fill in the form below no later than September 12, 2025. You will have until October 18 to submit your abstract.
More about the Workshop:
Each day will be a mix of formal presentations and outdoor excursions.
This workshop will utilize Sustainable Tourism principles as much as possible and support locally owned restaurants, hotels and tour operators.
In addition to the traditional research talks, Eric Mijts, the Founding Director of the Sustainable Island Solutions through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (SISSTEM) Program and Director of Research at the University of Aruba, will take us on a curated tour where we will learn about sustainability initiatives across the island. Government officials, including the SDG Task Force and NGOs from the island of Aruba, will share their sustainability and cartography challenges and innovative solutions.
At this workshop we will discuss, document and reflect how we as a commission are thinking about Cartography and Sustainable Development.
Preliminary Schedule (subject to change based on number of participants)
Time Blocks | Day 1 Jan 27th Monday | Day 2 Jan 28th Tuesday | Day 3 Jan 29th Wed. |
9-10:15 | Welcome and Presentations by Aruban SDG Task Force Members | Sustaianble Development Island Bus Tour | Sustainable Development Sailing Tour |
Coffee Break 10:15-11 | Workshop Participants Meet and Greet | includes lunch | Visit Coastal island off of Aruba, beautiful mangroves, decomissioned dump |
11-12:30 | Workshop Sessions – Presentations | Sneak peak of island tour on day 2 | and more! (Extra Fee) |
Lunch 12:30-14:00 | Tour of the University of Aruba and Lunch | ||
14:00-15:30 | Workshop Sessions – Presentations | Workshop Sessions – Lightening Talks | World Cafe – Organized Discussion -Questions posed to workshop participants to discuss goals moving forward for Cartography and Sustainable Development |
Coffee Break 15:30-16 | Break! | Break! | |
16-18:00 | Keynote Speaker TBA | Workshop Sessions – Presentations (Followed by dinner at Surfside Restaurant) | Closing Dinner (if interest – extra fee) |
The cost of the conference varies based on what activities you plan to attend. Payment for the conference and conference activies will be collected in cash, in person, at the event.
Cost for attending the workshop excluding tours is $30 USD (Includes all coffee breaks).
Cost for attending all activities on Day One and Day Two is $100 USD (Includes Bus tour and lunch on day two, and all coffee breaks.)
Cost for attending all activities on Day One, Two and Three is $200 USD (includes a boat tour, bus tour and all coffee breaks)